Developmental Tutor (Ages 4-7)

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Job Description

As your developmental tutor, I am able to screen and tutor 4-7 year olds, using a developmental approach, combining various strategies and resources to help your child master letters, sounds, beginning words, spelling and beginning reading as well as early writing in fun and interactive ways.     I am able to do screening and assessments (every 3 months) , as well as written reports(after each screening) as well as summaries of each tutoring session.   A rounded approach to help young children make sense of learning to read and write employs various methods to ensure they are progressing in meaningful ways.  I am able to provide links to helpful handouts as well as provide personalizedmaterials you can use at home in order to have a continuous learning experience that your child can be learning through.  I can also have communications with your child’s teacher to ensure we are working on the same concepts which helps to ensure your child is keeping pace with the class or catching up to the class experience.   If you would like to try developmental tutoring, please reach out and we can discuss it more.  Thanks😊.

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February 20, 2022